Car lubricants

Engine oils

  1. A) Motor oils of gasoline cars (in different types and properties)
  2. B) Diesel car engine oils (in different types and properties)
  3. C) Rail motor oils (in different types and properties)
  4. D) Marine engine oils:
  • Motorboat
  • Cylinder (two-stroke)
  • System (two-stroke)
  • Trunk-piston (medium speed)
  1. E) Gas and dual fuel engine oils (in different types and properties)
  2. F) Industrial fixed engine oils (in different types and properties)

Transmission system oils

  1. A) Manual transmission oils: These oils can be used in all non-automatic gearboxes of light, heavy, and other vehicles.
  2. B) Automatic transmission oils: These types of oils can be used in all automatic gearboxes and hydraulic steering boxes of all types of vehicles.